Preflight and Support Bundle
You can define preflight checks and support bundle specifications for Replicated KOTS and Helm installations.
Preflight collectors and analyzers provide cluster operators with clear feedback for any missing requirements or incompatibilities in the target environment before an application is deployed. Preflight checks are not automatically included in releases, so you must define them if you want to include them with a release.
Support bundles collect and analyze troubleshooting data from a cluster and help diagnose problems with application deployments. For KOTS, default support bundles are automatically included with releases, and can be customized. For Helm installations, support bundles are not pre-enabled and must be defined if you want to use them.
Collectors and analyzers are configured in Preflight and Support Bundle custom resources.
Built-in redactors run by default for preflight checks and support bundles to protect sensitive information.
Defining Custom Resources
To define preflight checks or customize the default support bundle settings, add the corresponding custom resource YAML to your release. Then add custom collector and analyzer specifications to the custom resource. For more information about these troubleshoot features and how to configure them, see About Preflight Checks and Support Bundles.
The following sections show basic Preflight and Support Bundle custom resource definitions.
The Preflight custom resource uses kind: Preflight
kind: Preflight
name: sample
collectors: []
analyzers: []
Support Bundle
The Support Bundle custom resource uses kind: SupportBundle
kind: SupportBundle
name: sample
collectors: []
analyzers: []
Global Fields
Global fields, also known as shared properties, are fields that are supported on all collectors or all analyzers. The following sections list the global fields for collectors and analyzers respectively.
Additionally, each collector and analyzer has its own fields. For more information about collector- and analyzer-specific fields, see the Troubleshoot documentation.
Collector Global Fields
The following fields are supported on all optional collectors for preflights and support bundles. For a list of collectors, see All Collectors in the Troubleshoot documentation.
Field Name | Description |
collectorName | (Optional) A collector can specify the collectorName field. In some collectors, this field controls the path where result files are stored in the support bundle. |
exclude | (Optional) Based on the runtime available configuration, a conditional can be specified in the exclude field. This is useful for deployment techniques that allow templating for Replicated KOTS and the optional KOTS Helm component. When this value is true , the collector is not included. |
KOTS Collector Example
This is an example of collector definition for a KOTS support bundle:
kind: SupportBundle
name: sample
- collectd:
collectorName: "collectd"
image: busybox:1
namespace: default
hostPath: "/var/lib/collectd/rrd"
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
name: my-temporary-secret
.dockerconfigjson: ewoJICJhdXRocyI6IHsKzCQksHR0cHM6Ly9pbmRleC5kb2NrZXIuaW8vdjEvIjoge30KCX0sCgkiSHR0cEhlYWRlcnMiOiB7CgkJIlVzZXItQWdlbnQiOiAiRG9ja2VyLUNsaWVudC8xOS4wMy4xMiAoZGFyd2luKSIKCX0sCgkiY3JlZHNTdG9yZSI6ICJkZXNrdG9wIiwKCSJleHBlcmltZW50YWwiOiAiZGlzYWJsZWQiLAoJInN0YWNrT3JjaGVzdHJhdG9yIjogInN3YXJtIgp9
Analyzer Global Fields
The following fields are supported on all optional analyzers for preflights and support bundles. For a list of analyzers, see Analyzing Data in the Troubleshoot documentation.
Field Name | Description |
collectorName | (Optional) An analyzer can specify the collectorName field. |
exclude | (Optional) For KOTS only, a condition based on the runtime available configuration can be specified in the exclude field. This is useful for deployment techniques that allow templating for KOTS and the optional KOTS Helm component. When this value is true , the analyzer is not included. |
strict | (Optional) For KOTS only, an analyzer can be set to strict: true so that fail outcomes for that analyzer prevent the release from deploying until the vendor-specified requirements are met. When exclude: true is also specified, exclude overrides strict and the analyzer is not executed. |
KOTS Analyzer Example
This is an example of an KOTS analyzer definition with a strict preflight check and exclude
set for installations that do not use Replicated kURL. In this case, the strict preflight is enforced on an embedded cluster but not on an existing cluster or air gap cluster.
kind: Preflight
name: check-kubernetes-version
- clusterVersion:
exclude: 'repl{{ (not IsKurl) }}'
strict: true
- fail:
when: "< 1.16.0"
message: The application requires Kubernetes 1.16.0 or later
- warn:
when: "< 1.17.0"
message: Your cluster meets the minimum version of Kubernetes, but we recommend you update to 1.17.0 or later.
- pass:
message: Your cluster meets the recommended and required versions of Kubernetes.